Veramis Spaziani




A Little About Me

Hi, I am Veramis Spaziani.  I grew up in the warm ocean city of Veracruz, Mexico where my creative journey began at a young age, paying my way into painting classes. My favorite areas in graphic design are motion graphics, illustration, editorial, and UX/UI. I’m passionate about what I do and love adding handmade elements that come from personal experience. I consider design to be limitless.

While creating my thesis, I used performative design to explore how female identity is impacted through online interactions and how women portray themselves in the virtual space. The results of my experimental and bold creative process reveal hidden messages in the main voices of our online feeds that influence who we are.

You might be asking how this project relates to you. I invite you to explore and find your own answers in my thesis, #nofilters
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© 2020 Kristen Carmichael, Shin-Yeh Chu, Shonezi Contractor, and Veramise Spaziani - All rights reserved